
RFUANZ needs you and your voice in order to represent the industry.

We want to have a dialogue with you, and we want to know what you think.

With our regular Member communications, active committee and RFUANZ consultants, we aim to inform and debate current issues. We want to hear your thoughts and ensure that when we advocate policy, it’s truly a reflection of our membership.

We’ve built a structure that allows companies of all sizes, and individuals to join and have a say.

Three reasons to join RFUANZ

National Advocacy

A collective voice for Radio Frequency users with politicians, crown agencies and other national business organisations.

Annual Industry Conference

A showcase for Radio, Wireless and Broadband innovation, the Association supports an annual two day event where members can exhibit, attend, network and learn! We invite informative speakers from around the Globe.

Training & Information services

Access to the latest Radio related business productivity tools and advisory services, market intelligence reports, surveys, seminars and training.

Current Members

Membership Fee Structure

RFUANZ Fee Structure Effective 1st July 2024 . All prices are per annum and exclude GST.

Companies working in the industry with 20+ staff. Network users or Providers with over 4000 subscriber
 $995 + GST per annum

Companies working in the industry with 10 – 19 staff. Network users or Providers with 500-4000 subscribers
$860 + GST per annum

Companies working in the industry with 3 – 9 staff. Network users or Providers with 0 – 500 subscribers

$560 + GST per annum


Associate organisations, User Associations & individuals who work with, for, or in the industry.
$250 + GST per annum

$250 + GST per annum

Government agencies, Emergency Services, FENZ associations, NZDF and Voluntary organisations. Or some such there of.

$50 + GST per annum

Retired or students who wish to ensure they have a voice in the industry

RFUANZ Membership Application Form

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