Last month Kevin Dove and Terry Thomas attended the AGM for the Skills Organisation.

This was a great way to meet with a cross section of people with a focus on training across a range of industries. The Skills Organisation is still expanding and there have been discussions that the IT sector may come under their umbrella. This would be excellent news for RFUANZ and its members considering the changes in our industry and the integration of IT into radio.Kevin and Terry met with the Skills team responsible for developing new qualifications and they were able to provide an outline plan for this work which includes:

  • Qualification development
  • Output statements
  • Unit standards development

The Skills Organisation had a limited understanding of the radio industry which allowed Kevin and Terry to outline how radios and infrastructure are used by every single sector of the NZ economy.

The Skills Organisation also asked to visit radio businesses to further their understanding of what we do and the context for the qualification development. They requested that RFUANZ submit a job description of an Installer which we are currently working on. If your company employs installers we would love to see your job description. If you are able to contribute please email your job descriptions to

Terry and Kevin also met with Gavin Bowden’s team at ETEC and discussed the history behind this new strand and how we can contribute to the process.

Since then The Skills Organisation have called the first meeting to start qualification development of the new CPC strand for “moveable and re-locatable premises”.

This meeting is to be held on the 30th of July and Terry will attend as a RFUANZ representative with a bank of ‘subject matter experts’ behind him.

Just small steps but significant in the long term.

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